Eating Trick To Stop Growing Your Waistline - College Health TV
People who love to eat often tuck into their food with gusto. If you enjoy dining, you might do the same. However, unless you're endowed with a slim figure, you will benefit from watching how fast you eat. A recent study shows devouring your meals with too much enthusiasm will cause your waistline to increase and detract from your health. Slow down: Researchers discovered people who eat properly consume fewer calories than those who eat fast. When you savor food, instead of wolfing it, your mind registers how much you're ingesting. As your stomach swells, a signal informs your system when to quit eating. It takes twenty minutes for the process to work, and if you're not eating in a slow manner as nature intended, you might overfill your belly before the procedure begins. Don't eat so fast, and food will satiate your hunger so you don't overeat. Don't gulp food: Do you think about chewing when you eat? Most people practice mindless eating because they are...